Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cookies, Johnny Depp, and lets not forget pink stains on the carpet
Mori decided today to spit out some of her medicine on the carpet, leaving a nice, un-removable pink stain. She thought it was great fun. I, on the other hand, (after scrubbing with cleaner for an hour) decided it was not so much fun. After much fuss she finally took the rest of it.
Currently she's sleeping, although for how long is anybody's guess. I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and drooling over Johnny Depp. And Orlando Bloom, to a degree, although he's not as good as Johnny.
I also baked cookies. However, it was from dough that had been frozen from earlier batches, and while they were good, they were not as good as fresh cookies.
Taking the stage from Ashley, i'd like to take a moment to say how wonderful my life is. I have food in my pantry, a wonderful providing loving husband, a wonderous child of my own. We've got a couple of bucks in the bank and things are getting paid off... all and all I have nothing to complain about.
And to leave, with a quote from PoTC:
Johnny: "This girl. How far are you willing to go for her?"
Orlando: "I'd die for her!"
Johnny: "Oh, good! No worries then."
Currently she's sleeping, although for how long is anybody's guess. I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and drooling over Johnny Depp. And Orlando Bloom, to a degree, although he's not as good as Johnny.
I also baked cookies. However, it was from dough that had been frozen from earlier batches, and while they were good, they were not as good as fresh cookies.
Taking the stage from Ashley, i'd like to take a moment to say how wonderful my life is. I have food in my pantry, a wonderful providing loving husband, a wonderous child of my own. We've got a couple of bucks in the bank and things are getting paid off... all and all I have nothing to complain about.
And to leave, with a quote from PoTC:
Johnny: "This girl. How far are you willing to go for her?"
Orlando: "I'd die for her!"
Johnny: "Oh, good! No worries then."
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Jumparoo
This weekend, Ben's parents got Mori this: 
I am of two minds about it. Mori loves it. Absolutely loves it. She just bounces away.
However, the Fisher Price Rainforest collection has numerous recalls due to safety issues. Not to mention the hazard of there maybe being lead in it. The toys are gaudy and seem like they're overdone - we've taken two of them off already. I'm not sure if I want her constantly around the lights and noises, which we just took out the batteries.
So I guess it'll be a once-in-a-while-thing. Ben is already using it as a pacifier though. Instead of picking her up, he'll put her in the damn bouncy thing. :-/ I'm not sure if it's worse than Cinderella or not.
We're missing a chicken again. Somehow they ALL got out toward the road in the brush. I'm assuming they'll come back for the night, hopefully.
I am of two minds about it. Mori loves it. Absolutely loves it. She just bounces away.
However, the Fisher Price Rainforest collection has numerous recalls due to safety issues. Not to mention the hazard of there maybe being lead in it. The toys are gaudy and seem like they're overdone - we've taken two of them off already. I'm not sure if I want her constantly around the lights and noises, which we just took out the batteries.
So I guess it'll be a once-in-a-while-thing. Ben is already using it as a pacifier though. Instead of picking her up, he'll put her in the damn bouncy thing. :-/ I'm not sure if it's worse than Cinderella or not.
We're missing a chicken again. Somehow they ALL got out toward the road in the brush. I'm assuming they'll come back for the night, hopefully.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Earaches and Pink Stuff
Sorry about the lack of posts.. It's been hectic!
Ben worked over 70 hours last week. On top of that, Mori has an ear infection that manifested itself last week. Sunday night she was up until 2am, screaming off an on. By Monday she wasn't better, so I found an urgent care clinic that took walk-ins and we took her Tuesday. Sure enough, her left ear is infected. We left with a script for Amoxacillion and Ben went to work. I went to Meijer to browse/get script filled, and they gave it to us for free! Apparently some kids meds are free there. Whoopie!
Mori hates it. It doesn't matter if I mix it with milk, give it to her straight, or dilute it... each dose is a hassle. On the good side, though, she seems to be feeling better, and she's been sleeping a lot. Today we even took a nap together and she slept a good three hours straight.
Cinderella has been a livesaver.... when she's cranky and not feeling good, she's sit and watch it in her swing and sometimes fall asleep. I feel bad using 'TV' as a distraction, but it gives me breathing time.
Currently on the needles is Ben's socks, finally. They're a rich forest green color that I think I need to order more of in order to knit myself a pair. Maybe i'll knit Mori a pair, too, matching family socks! Anyway, the cuff is done 2X2 ribbing and i'm working on the leg.
Saturday is going to be hectic. We've got three different houses to go visit, and Saturday night I'm leaving the kidlet with Ben so I can go to a mama's blessing for a girl on my community board. Should be fun. :)
Ben worked over 70 hours last week. On top of that, Mori has an ear infection that manifested itself last week. Sunday night she was up until 2am, screaming off an on. By Monday she wasn't better, so I found an urgent care clinic that took walk-ins and we took her Tuesday. Sure enough, her left ear is infected. We left with a script for Amoxacillion and Ben went to work. I went to Meijer to browse/get script filled, and they gave it to us for free! Apparently some kids meds are free there. Whoopie!
Mori hates it. It doesn't matter if I mix it with milk, give it to her straight, or dilute it... each dose is a hassle. On the good side, though, she seems to be feeling better, and she's been sleeping a lot. Today we even took a nap together and she slept a good three hours straight.
Cinderella has been a livesaver.... when she's cranky and not feeling good, she's sit and watch it in her swing and sometimes fall asleep. I feel bad using 'TV' as a distraction, but it gives me breathing time.
Currently on the needles is Ben's socks, finally. They're a rich forest green color that I think I need to order more of in order to knit myself a pair. Maybe i'll knit Mori a pair, too, matching family socks! Anyway, the cuff is done 2X2 ribbing and i'm working on the leg.
Saturday is going to be hectic. We've got three different houses to go visit, and Saturday night I'm leaving the kidlet with Ben so I can go to a mama's blessing for a girl on my community board. Should be fun. :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Troubles in Paradise
Now, I love my husband.
He is my other half. He is my support, financially and emotionally. I have no doubt he loves me.
But he does have some failings.
I try my hardest to make him happy. I make his lunch. I let him sleep in. I wash his clothes, make his dinner, clean his house, take care of his child. Rarely do I ask his help, and it's always with something stupid (take out the trash, etc.). I can count on one hand the number of times i've asked him to watch Mori for more than ten minutes.
Meanwhile, I have to take care of her, clean the house, cook the food, try to squeeze in some homework and maybe a little bit of knitting. I take care of all the animals, regulate when they go out/in, pay the bills, keep track of bills, keep track of medical stuff and 401k stuff. I sort the mail, file the taxes, etc...
... See where this is leading?
I'm sick of it, and these are the top 5 things that bug me the most.
1. When I wake him up, it takes anywhere from 3-7 times of me going in there for him to get up. If I use a harsher means to wake him up, such as turning on the light, he gets royally pissed.
2. He would rather starve at work than take the five minutes to make his own lunch. When I have time, sure, i'll make his lunch, but 9/10ths of the time it is an inconvience to me because I have Mori or am in the middle of something. It's his lunch, he's going to eat it - he knows where all the fixings are for it. I am not his mother.
3. He never offers anything. I have to ask. Doesn't matter what it is... taking out the trash, watching Mori while I do homework, making food... I always have to ask. It would be nice, one day, for him to say "Hey, would you like me to do [insert thing here]?". And when I do ask things, I feel bad, because he either makes an excuse about why he can't and I have to badger him, or he acts like it's a big burden.
4. EVERY time he watches Mori, when I get back, all he talks about is how she cried the whole time. I know my child... She does whine a lot, but there are reasons. She's either bored, wants to be held, is tired or hungry or needs to be changed. Rarely does she whine for no reason now-a-days. So he's either not taking care of her, not entertaining her, or ignoring her.
5. The sex thing. I can't remember the last time we had sex. Or cuddled, even. I just don't even have interest anymore because it's such a chore to A, get the alone time, and B, make sure the alone time coincides with his small ass libido.
Okay. I feel better.
He is my other half. He is my support, financially and emotionally. I have no doubt he loves me.
But he does have some failings.
I try my hardest to make him happy. I make his lunch. I let him sleep in. I wash his clothes, make his dinner, clean his house, take care of his child. Rarely do I ask his help, and it's always with something stupid (take out the trash, etc.). I can count on one hand the number of times i've asked him to watch Mori for more than ten minutes.
Meanwhile, I have to take care of her, clean the house, cook the food, try to squeeze in some homework and maybe a little bit of knitting. I take care of all the animals, regulate when they go out/in, pay the bills, keep track of bills, keep track of medical stuff and 401k stuff. I sort the mail, file the taxes, etc...
... See where this is leading?
I'm sick of it, and these are the top 5 things that bug me the most.
1. When I wake him up, it takes anywhere from 3-7 times of me going in there for him to get up. If I use a harsher means to wake him up, such as turning on the light, he gets royally pissed.
2. He would rather starve at work than take the five minutes to make his own lunch. When I have time, sure, i'll make his lunch, but 9/10ths of the time it is an inconvience to me because I have Mori or am in the middle of something. It's his lunch, he's going to eat it - he knows where all the fixings are for it. I am not his mother.
3. He never offers anything. I have to ask. Doesn't matter what it is... taking out the trash, watching Mori while I do homework, making food... I always have to ask. It would be nice, one day, for him to say "Hey, would you like me to do [insert thing here]?". And when I do ask things, I feel bad, because he either makes an excuse about why he can't and I have to badger him, or he acts like it's a big burden.
4. EVERY time he watches Mori, when I get back, all he talks about is how she cried the whole time. I know my child... She does whine a lot, but there are reasons. She's either bored, wants to be held, is tired or hungry or needs to be changed. Rarely does she whine for no reason now-a-days. So he's either not taking care of her, not entertaining her, or ignoring her.
5. The sex thing. I can't remember the last time we had sex. Or cuddled, even. I just don't even have interest anymore because it's such a chore to A, get the alone time, and B, make sure the alone time coincides with his small ass libido.
Okay. I feel better.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Finances, Overtime, and Vet Checks
Ben's working overtime again. It's going to be another one of "those weeks" where he's out until 3am and sleeps until noon, goes to work at 1pm... rinse, repeat. Luckily (or unluckily, regarding finances) this may be his last chance at overtime. We can definately use the money.
He's talking about trying to go back to first shift. I can't begin to explain the heartache I went through when he went to second shift... and now he wants to switch back, and I know EXACTLY why. No, it's not for me or Mori. It's not to help me out with her at night. It's not to have dinner each night, and to see him each night.
It's because his stupid HAM radio club meets Thursday nights, and the Masons meet Tuesday nights.
He said he wants to switch so "we" can go to some events. HELLO? Where were you when I tried to explain MY events, that I wanted to go to, a month ago when you switched?
Financially we're doing okay, I suppose. The credit cards are slowly going down. The bills are caught up. This month has three paycheques in it, so hopefully we can invest that third one into gold or a savings.
I'm faced with the idea of taking each of our five animals to the vet with the extra money. Legacy has mites - if untreated, they will spread to Fuzza, and maybe even the dogs. Mind you, these rabbits are for the wool... and the mites make the wool fall out. No good. Anyway, Legi needs a treatment of Ivermectin, and they both need annual checkups.
Currently on the needles is a DNA scarf, which I am going to do two rows on before I retire for the night and cuddle with my babygirl.
He's talking about trying to go back to first shift. I can't begin to explain the heartache I went through when he went to second shift... and now he wants to switch back, and I know EXACTLY why. No, it's not for me or Mori. It's not to help me out with her at night. It's not to have dinner each night, and to see him each night.
It's because his stupid HAM radio club meets Thursday nights, and the Masons meet Tuesday nights.
He said he wants to switch so "we" can go to some events. HELLO? Where were you when I tried to explain MY events, that I wanted to go to, a month ago when you switched?
Financially we're doing okay, I suppose. The credit cards are slowly going down. The bills are caught up. This month has three paycheques in it, so hopefully we can invest that third one into gold or a savings.
I'm faced with the idea of taking each of our five animals to the vet with the extra money. Legacy has mites - if untreated, they will spread to Fuzza, and maybe even the dogs. Mind you, these rabbits are for the wool... and the mites make the wool fall out. No good. Anyway, Legi needs a treatment of Ivermectin, and they both need annual checkups.
Currently on the needles is a DNA scarf, which I am going to do two rows on before I retire for the night and cuddle with my babygirl.
Megs and Memories
I found an old CD that has some logs of AIM chats from high school. 99% of them were from my once-best-friend-slash-heart-sister Meagan. It made me sad, so I signed on to AIM and lo! She was on. I messaged her.
I miss her terribly.
I did some bad things to her. A lot of them were not intended to be mean, such as leaving for the Army and not paying rent. Some of them were mean, and meant to be so. We've had a lot of bumps and roadblocks.
But I think i'm going to try to talk to her more, get to know her again. I miss her - a lot. I didn't realize how much until I freaked out because she was online.
So, a few days late, here is my New Years Resolution.
I vow that this year, I will try to right wrongs done to my best friend and hopefully regain her trust to the point where she is once again my best friend.
I miss her terribly.
I did some bad things to her. A lot of them were not intended to be mean, such as leaving for the Army and not paying rent. Some of them were mean, and meant to be so. We've had a lot of bumps and roadblocks.
But I think i'm going to try to talk to her more, get to know her again. I miss her - a lot. I didn't realize how much until I freaked out because she was online.
So, a few days late, here is my New Years Resolution.
I vow that this year, I will try to right wrongs done to my best friend and hopefully regain her trust to the point where she is once again my best friend.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Video games
I've just done something new, something i've never done before:
I beat a video game.
Portal, to be exact. Yes, it's a short game, but this is the first game I can honestly say I have completed until the end with no outside help. I made sure to play when Ben wasn't home, so he couldn't influence me.
I'm so excited that I haven't even closed the game yet... I alt-tabbed in order to blog about it. Yes. I'm a dork.
Also, there is honey chicken in the oven and it smells nummy.
That is all.
I beat a video game.
Portal, to be exact. Yes, it's a short game, but this is the first game I can honestly say I have completed until the end with no outside help. I made sure to play when Ben wasn't home, so he couldn't influence me.
I'm so excited that I haven't even closed the game yet... I alt-tabbed in order to blog about it. Yes. I'm a dork.
Also, there is honey chicken in the oven and it smells nummy.
That is all.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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