After some conversationing with Meagan and internal thinking, I came to the conclusion that I need more structure in my schooling. It's too hard to juggle everything at home, and I would really enjoy the social interaction with the people at school. With that in mind, I started looking into vet tech programs.
Sure enough, out of the 4 in Ohio, one was right down the street in Columbus. I checked them out, $79/credit hour and summer session starts in 20 days. Sign up was easy, I did the FAFSA, cancelled Penn Foster, and now I have an orientation tomorrow. It seems too good to be true - everything is falling into place. So, we'll see after tomorrow, eh? :D
I'm testing out my green (or not green) thumb. I now have a grape vine planted in the front yard, and an onion plant in a pot in the livinroom. Soon enough we'll be planning our real garden, with all the veggies, and we'll start planting. It's exciting.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Of Poodles and Big Lots and Waffles
Meagan came to visit for Friday night and Saturday day. I was very very excited to see her, and rightly so - I think we had a blast. Friday night consisted of homemade pizza, wine, and puppies. Saturday we left the kidlet with Ben and went for a day on the town. First was the Needling Yarn in Granville... Oh, yarn? How doth I love thee... Anyway, we just perused the aisles and I got some more Digit. They were expensive, though, and since I only had $40, I scooted Meagan out of there. (Sorry, Megs, I didn't know you were paying! You could have had the red stuff!).
Next was Big Lots. Oh, Big Lots... Yarn for $1! Granted, cheapo yarn, but pretty yarn that was normally $6-$7 on craft-store shelves. We also found a new energy drink that Megs seemed to enjoy, and pop, and diapers and baby toys and dog brushes. After Big Lots, we ran down the street to Michael's, where Megs bought some black and dark blue yarn for her glove thingies. I <3 the blue and may just steal it.
And then, to Waffle House! A great end to a good day. Waffles, ahhh.... self-explaining. Megs and I had a long talk in the car, of which I am grateful of, and she suggested a few things that may just work. We came back to the house to find the husbeast and kidlet in good spirits. I gave Tida a bath, and now he's all sparkly white. He tried to hump Maggie.
Then she left, and we were alone. (Saddness.) Ben and I had a bit of a talk. Yay talk.
Anyway. All is well. Had a good weekend, and now I must go knit a Wee Tiny Sock.
Next was Big Lots. Oh, Big Lots... Yarn for $1! Granted, cheapo yarn, but pretty yarn that was normally $6-$7 on craft-store shelves. We also found a new energy drink that Megs seemed to enjoy, and pop, and diapers and baby toys and dog brushes. After Big Lots, we ran down the street to Michael's, where Megs bought some black and dark blue yarn for her glove thingies. I <3 the blue and may just steal it.
And then, to Waffle House! A great end to a good day. Waffles, ahhh.... self-explaining. Megs and I had a long talk in the car, of which I am grateful of, and she suggested a few things that may just work. We came back to the house to find the husbeast and kidlet in good spirits. I gave Tida a bath, and now he's all sparkly white. He tried to hump Maggie.
Then she left, and we were alone. (Saddness.) Ben and I had a bit of a talk. Yay talk.
Anyway. All is well. Had a good weekend, and now I must go knit a Wee Tiny Sock.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Busy days.
It's almost 1am. So far today, I have:
Woken up at 10 with the kidlet.
Changed the kidlet.
Put diapers in the dryer.
Nursed kidlet.
Went to the post office.
Came home, started making breakfast.
Made breakfast (Pancakes, eggs, and bacon)
While making breakfast, had to fish the kidlet out of the laundry room three times despite the fact that Ben was supposed to be watching her.
Sit down to eat breakfast.
Stop halfway through breakfast to get food for the kidlet and feed her.
Change the kidlet. Spend 20 minutes trying to strap a diaper to her butt and get a new outfit on her because she got food all over the first one.
Put the kidlet down for a nap.
Come back to breakfast, which is cold and still only half-eaten. I give it to the dogs.
Pick up Ben's plate.
Make Ben sandwiches.
Get the mail.
Feed the animals.
Pick up all of Mori's toys.
Sat down to take a breather.
And Ben says I don't work. Ah, ha. Funny shit.
It is now almost 3:30. Additions to my "Have done" list:
Chased Scout two miles down the road and dragged his arse back.
Kidlet woke up - I went and got her and changed her.
Changed my clothes due to kidlet puke.
Washed a load of dishes (by hand). Put away another load of dishes.
Washed the bedsheets and gathered all the laundry.
Bagged up trash and replaced the bag.
Woken up at 10 with the kidlet.
Changed the kidlet.
Put diapers in the dryer.
Nursed kidlet.
Went to the post office.
Came home, started making breakfast.
Made breakfast (Pancakes, eggs, and bacon)
While making breakfast, had to fish the kidlet out of the laundry room three times despite the fact that Ben was supposed to be watching her.
Sit down to eat breakfast.
Stop halfway through breakfast to get food for the kidlet and feed her.
Change the kidlet. Spend 20 minutes trying to strap a diaper to her butt and get a new outfit on her because she got food all over the first one.
Put the kidlet down for a nap.
Come back to breakfast, which is cold and still only half-eaten. I give it to the dogs.
Pick up Ben's plate.
Make Ben sandwiches.
Get the mail.
Feed the animals.
Pick up all of Mori's toys.
Sat down to take a breather.
And Ben says I don't work. Ah, ha. Funny shit.
It is now almost 3:30. Additions to my "Have done" list:
Chased Scout two miles down the road and dragged his arse back.
Kidlet woke up - I went and got her and changed her.
Changed my clothes due to kidlet puke.
Washed a load of dishes (by hand). Put away another load of dishes.
Washed the bedsheets and gathered all the laundry.
Bagged up trash and replaced the bag.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter 2008!
Happy Easter everyone!
We just got home after a grueling 2 1/2 hour car ride. Mori's being good and Ben is occupied so I figured i'd post here real quick.
We got up around 10am, got in the car, and drove to Cincinnati. Mori was in a cute little yellow dress which, unfortunately, was a little too small. Half way through the day we ended up changing her into some PJ's.
Lunch was wonderful. Baked ham with cinnamon glaze, peas, scalloped potatoes, rolls, salad, applesauce... Nummy, nummy food. After lunch we went to Biggs, because Dan had $60 worth of coupons. We bought $30 worth of baby food (72 jars!), Ben got some vitamins and flax seeds, I got myself some kitchen scrubbies - plastic ones, the ones that don't mold!
After Biggs, we went back to Ben's parent's house. Sheila had been watching Mori, who had, of course, woken up as soon as we left. We dyed some eggs, cracked a few, and then made deviled eggs out of all of them. We got our easter baskets with lots of candy and goodies, and Mori got $5!
As the night drew to a close, we said goodbye and got back on the road. Sheila gave me a little book light so I could knit in the dark, and I have to say it worked very well.
All in all it was a wonderful Easter. I hope yours was as good as ours!
We just got home after a grueling 2 1/2 hour car ride. Mori's being good and Ben is occupied so I figured i'd post here real quick.
We got up around 10am, got in the car, and drove to Cincinnati. Mori was in a cute little yellow dress which, unfortunately, was a little too small. Half way through the day we ended up changing her into some PJ's.
Lunch was wonderful. Baked ham with cinnamon glaze, peas, scalloped potatoes, rolls, salad, applesauce... Nummy, nummy food. After lunch we went to Biggs, because Dan had $60 worth of coupons. We bought $30 worth of baby food (72 jars!), Ben got some vitamins and flax seeds, I got myself some kitchen scrubbies - plastic ones, the ones that don't mold!
After Biggs, we went back to Ben's parent's house. Sheila had been watching Mori, who had, of course, woken up as soon as we left. We dyed some eggs, cracked a few, and then made deviled eggs out of all of them. We got our easter baskets with lots of candy and goodies, and Mori got $5!
As the night drew to a close, we said goodbye and got back on the road. Sheila gave me a little book light so I could knit in the dark, and I have to say it worked very well.
All in all it was a wonderful Easter. I hope yours was as good as ours!
Friday, March 21, 2008
We have four hens. Lately, it's been warm, sunny, perfect egg-laying weather. The rooster has been doing the humpity bumpity with them, so eggs should be happening... right?
Wrong. Well, at least that's what we thought. Every day I scan our 'chicken area'. Even though they're free-range, they tend to stay in an area of shrubs and bushes up front. Every day, for the past week or so, we haven't seen any eggs.
Until today. As I was scanning, I heard the 'cluck cluck' of a chicken. But I don't see a chicken. So I start looking more throughly. Finally, I find that the sound is coming from a big, huge, clump of TALL grass. More like bamboo shoots than grass.
I part the tall grasses, and look what I find:

Eggs. 20 of them, to be exact. And the chicken in question, Lily, who was in the process of egg-laying when I so rudely interrupted her.
Now, these eggs have come from at least three of the four hens... You can't really see it in the picture, but they're all slightly different colored. Who knows how long they've been out there. My question is, are they fertilized? I would assume so, since Roostie has been busy. If so, how long has it been since they've been laid? Are there baby chicks forming?
I don't want to crack an egg and have a chick spill out. I'm sorry, that's just not my idea of a good breakfast. But if they're fertilized, and the hens actually take care of them, they could become baby chickens, which could grow into big chickens. So do I leave the eggs there, in hopes the hens will take care of them? Or do I pick them up?
I have to say, the ladies picked an excellent job of hiding places. Yes, indeed, they did.
Wrong. Well, at least that's what we thought. Every day I scan our 'chicken area'. Even though they're free-range, they tend to stay in an area of shrubs and bushes up front. Every day, for the past week or so, we haven't seen any eggs.
Until today. As I was scanning, I heard the 'cluck cluck' of a chicken. But I don't see a chicken. So I start looking more throughly. Finally, I find that the sound is coming from a big, huge, clump of TALL grass. More like bamboo shoots than grass.
I part the tall grasses, and look what I find:
Eggs. 20 of them, to be exact. And the chicken in question, Lily, who was in the process of egg-laying when I so rudely interrupted her.
Now, these eggs have come from at least three of the four hens... You can't really see it in the picture, but they're all slightly different colored. Who knows how long they've been out there. My question is, are they fertilized? I would assume so, since Roostie has been busy. If so, how long has it been since they've been laid? Are there baby chicks forming?
I don't want to crack an egg and have a chick spill out. I'm sorry, that's just not my idea of a good breakfast. But if they're fertilized, and the hens actually take care of them, they could become baby chickens, which could grow into big chickens. So do I leave the eggs there, in hopes the hens will take care of them? Or do I pick them up?
I have to say, the ladies picked an excellent job of hiding places. Yes, indeed, they did.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Adventures in Dyeing?
This morning I got the urge to dye some yarn. I had a hank of Knit Picks bare to dye, and Mori was being good, so I tromped off to the Kitchen to mix acid dyes.
This was the result:

I'm calling it "Nebula" and I think it came out pretty good, considering I just slopped some color on it. The blues are vibrant but the purple/red looks a bit 'dusty' so I might try to overdye it, or heck, maybe i'll just leave it and make socks with it.
Mori has her fourth tooth coming in, the right top. She's not very happy with it. My mom somehow convinced us to come to STL the first weekend in April, so that's something to dread/look forward to. Rachel is coming to Ohio soon (yay!) Hopefully not that same weekend.
More later, kidlet's trying to eat dog food.
This was the result:
I'm calling it "Nebula" and I think it came out pretty good, considering I just slopped some color on it. The blues are vibrant but the purple/red looks a bit 'dusty' so I might try to overdye it, or heck, maybe i'll just leave it and make socks with it.
Mori has her fourth tooth coming in, the right top. She's not very happy with it. My mom somehow convinced us to come to STL the first weekend in April, so that's something to dread/look forward to. Rachel is coming to Ohio soon (yay!) Hopefully not that same weekend.
More later, kidlet's trying to eat dog food.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Let Me Tell Ya, 'bout...
The birds, and the bees, and the flowers, and the trees, and the moon up above... and a thing called looooveee.
Look! Look!

Ahhahaha Spring is on the way!
Things have been good. I finished my Homespun scarf and am now working on three smaller projects: The Companion Cube project from Portal, a stuffed colorful toy ball for Mori, and the ever-present christmas tree skirt. I've been looking through sweater patterns wistfully, but I don't think I have either the patience or the time to actually knit a whole sweater, so that may have to wait.
Knitpicks should be here by next week. Same with my mystery yarn box. The glider should be here any day now. I'm so excited!
I'm hoping the house in Cinci sells soon. It looks great, now that it's fixed up a little. I don't think we're asking too much. The proceeds would really, really help us out. We're looking to put a down payment on this house, pay off a few credit cards and/or the bike, and have a little spending money extra for ourselves. Really, once we get the bike and credit cards paid off, we don't have a lot of remaining debt. We might, actually, be ahead!
I'd like to show Ben how much it means to me that he's working so hard to let me stay home. I can't imagine not being here with Mori. Anyone got any ideas on how I can show appreciation?
Look! Look!
Ahhahaha Spring is on the way!
Things have been good. I finished my Homespun scarf and am now working on three smaller projects: The Companion Cube project from Portal, a stuffed colorful toy ball for Mori, and the ever-present christmas tree skirt. I've been looking through sweater patterns wistfully, but I don't think I have either the patience or the time to actually knit a whole sweater, so that may have to wait.
Knitpicks should be here by next week. Same with my mystery yarn box. The glider should be here any day now. I'm so excited!
I'm hoping the house in Cinci sells soon. It looks great, now that it's fixed up a little. I don't think we're asking too much. The proceeds would really, really help us out. We're looking to put a down payment on this house, pay off a few credit cards and/or the bike, and have a little spending money extra for ourselves. Really, once we get the bike and credit cards paid off, we don't have a lot of remaining debt. We might, actually, be ahead!
I'd like to show Ben how much it means to me that he's working so hard to let me stay home. I can't imagine not being here with Mori. Anyone got any ideas on how I can show appreciation?
Monday, March 10, 2008
The $150 Challenge
When we got our income taxes back, Ben and I decided that most of it would go into gold, but we would each keep $150 for ourselves. The original number was $200, but we each put $50 into Morrigan's Fund For Toys (tm). So, here I am, fiber-addicted, and with $150 to spend. It went... VERY. VERY. FAST.
So far, the gleans of this spending spree is as follows:

Along with 3 skeins of Caron Simply Soft and 4 skeins of Red Heart Super Saver.
Still to come: Two sets of stitch markers a la Etsy, a "Mystery Bag of Yarn" from Webs, and a Knitpicks order with sock needles from, uh, Knitpicks. I'm so excited.
And for those who are looking for recent little one pictures, here ya go! (Shameless)
So far, the gleans of this spending spree is as follows:
Along with 3 skeins of Caron Simply Soft and 4 skeins of Red Heart Super Saver.
Still to come: Two sets of stitch markers a la Etsy, a "Mystery Bag of Yarn" from Webs, and a Knitpicks order with sock needles from, uh, Knitpicks. I'm so excited.
And for those who are looking for recent little one pictures, here ya go! (Shameless)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Mori's doctor appointment
By the way, Mori went to the doctor for her (slightly late) 6-mo checkup. No ear infection, and everything checks out okay. Doc said look out for top teeth, though, because she was very swollen and to keep tylenol on hand.
We also didn't get any crap about vax'ing. The CNP who checked us out just had us sign a release, and didn't try to pressure at all! I was so happy. I went ahead and scheduled another 9-mo appointment, because I like them so far and would like to keep with them.
We also didn't get any crap about vax'ing. The CNP who checked us out just had us sign a release, and didn't try to pressure at all! I was so happy. I went ahead and scheduled another 9-mo appointment, because I like them so far and would like to keep with them.
Lime/Violet, baby gurgles, and blood
At the moment i'm listening to Lime and Violet, which is (for you non-knitter-types) a podcast about knitting and other random things. I have to say, this is one of their best episodes yet. I'm also working on Ashley's other mitt, which is half done. :D Soon, she will have a pair!
Mori is in her crib, and i'm listening through the baby monitor... and she's just talking to herself. Not crying. It sounds like she's got a toy in her crib that she's talking to. I'd go get her, but if she's happy, let her be happy. Maybe she'll take a nap. Probably not.
The blood part is that I stabbed myself with an overly sharp pencil. And yes, it bled. What a pain.
We get our tax refund this week. Mother dearest is coming Saturday, and i'm hoping that we'll do okay since we're only together two days.
Today, Mori made artwork for the first time. We sat on the floor with a big piece of posterboard and some markers, and after watching me for a few minutes, she got the idea of it. Of course, she tried to use the wrong end more often than not, but that's alright. :D I'm going to try again tomorrow with her, and maybe give that one to mom.
Anyway, more soon. Tata!
Mori is in her crib, and i'm listening through the baby monitor... and she's just talking to herself. Not crying. It sounds like she's got a toy in her crib that she's talking to. I'd go get her, but if she's happy, let her be happy. Maybe she'll take a nap. Probably not.
The blood part is that I stabbed myself with an overly sharp pencil. And yes, it bled. What a pain.
We get our tax refund this week. Mother dearest is coming Saturday, and i'm hoping that we'll do okay since we're only together two days.
Today, Mori made artwork for the first time. We sat on the floor with a big piece of posterboard and some markers, and after watching me for a few minutes, she got the idea of it. Of course, she tried to use the wrong end more often than not, but that's alright. :D I'm going to try again tomorrow with her, and maybe give that one to mom.
Anyway, more soon. Tata!
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