Monday, March 24, 2008

Busy days.

It's almost 1am. So far today, I have:

Woken up at 10 with the kidlet.
Changed the kidlet.
Put diapers in the dryer.
Nursed kidlet.
Went to the post office.
Came home, started making breakfast.
Made breakfast (Pancakes, eggs, and bacon)
While making breakfast, had to fish the kidlet out of the laundry room three times despite the fact that Ben was supposed to be watching her.
Sit down to eat breakfast.
Stop halfway through breakfast to get food for the kidlet and feed her.
Change the kidlet. Spend 20 minutes trying to strap a diaper to her butt and get a new outfit on her because she got food all over the first one.
Put the kidlet down for a nap.
Come back to breakfast, which is cold and still only half-eaten. I give it to the dogs.
Pick up Ben's plate.
Make Ben sandwiches.
Get the mail.
Feed the animals.
Pick up all of Mori's toys.
Sat down to take a breather.

And Ben says I don't work. Ah, ha. Funny shit.

It is now almost 3:30. Additions to my "Have done" list:
Chased Scout two miles down the road and dragged his arse back.
Kidlet woke up - I went and got her and changed her.
Changed my clothes due to kidlet puke.
Washed a load of dishes (by hand). Put away another load of dishes.
Washed the bedsheets and gathered all the laundry.
Bagged up trash and replaced the bag.

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