Sunday, October 5, 2008

TGIS: Thank God it's Sunday

I find it highly amusing that, as you get older, things start going backwards.
Make sense? No? Okay, let me explain.

Back in highschool, I distinctly remember the "Thank God It's Friday!" drama. EVERY Friday. "Ugh, I'm SO glad it's Friday... I'm so sick of school. I want to be at home."

Now? I thank god it's Sunday. I go, "I'm so glad it's Sunday! Tomorrow I get to leave home and go back to school!" while dancing and throwing confetti.

See the backwardishness?

Don't get me wrong. I love being with Mori, and most of the time I love staying home. But 'staying home' is literally 'staying home'. We have no car and we live 15 minutes away from the nearest, well, anything. Four days of enforced homebound-ness can be excruciating, especially if Mori is having a bad day.

However, school! Oh, school. School not only gives me adult (or semi-adult, depending on what class we're talking about) interaction, but also gives me a whole day in which I am not chasing around a 1-year-old. Am not changing diapers. Am not listening to squeals of "COOKIE!".

I can, at school, stop, sit, and think. I can eat lunch without interruption. I can do homework without dear child stealing my erasers and trying to stuff them up her nose. I can look around and see PEOPLE.

It's glorious. So glorious.

So, anyway. Ahhem.

Today has started out great. Not only did Mori wake up in a great mood, but she also ate 90% of her breakfast without throwing it, sat quietly through half of Cinderella while mommy caught up on math homework, allowed me to change her diaper, and went down for her first nap with no fuss or hollaring. Rarely do we get a morning this... peaceful. And not only that, but mommy got a shower - a real, soap-and-hot-water shower, all by herself during kidlet's nap.


On the list of Things To Not Avoid Doing today includes:
  • Making brownies with a new, yummy-looking recipe.
  • Call to cancel bike insurance.
  • Finish Speech homework.
  • Poke and prod at the wet (and probably moldy) towels that have been in the corner of the shower since last, um, month. Try to remember to tell DH to pitch them.
  • Load up the dishwasher
  • Try to sell Mori's old halloween costumes
  • Go through more baby clothes. Will they ever stop?
  • Laundry. 'nuff said.
Not too huge of a list today. So heeeeeerrrrreeeee we go!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

mmm, adult conversation. see, i need to go to school for that. also so i can have a chance to use my brain. and think about something for longer than a few minutes...heh