Monday, April 7, 2008

Saint Louis and Sickness

So we're back from Saint Louis. The trip to and from was fairly uneventful. We spent Thursday driving, Friday with McCormick and Fuzzy, Saturday with my mom, and Sunday with my dad before heading back home. Scout got to spend a few days at the Spa de Doran because he's a stubborn you-know-what. The other dogs were fine, hiding out in the van, and the chickens left us a nice cache of eggs to come home to.

My mother sent four bags of clothing, a box of blankets, and two bags of disposable diapers with us. She'll never learn. She bought me a nail-thingy set where you buff and shine your nails, and when I tried to explain that 1) I don't care about my nails and 2) I don't have time/motivation to make them shiney, she blew me off and packed it under Morrigan's stuff. It's like she thinks one day i'll magically turn into, you know, a girl.

Now, Morrigan's sick. Debbie was sick and apparently there was enough germs in the air, even though she never touched the kidlet. Poor thing is running a fever of around 101, and we have a doc's appointment tomorrow to get her checked out.

Other than that, life is good. It feels very good to be home.

Also, there's a glass on the desk here with a tiny bit of lemonaide in it... apparently the ants thought it was food, but when they get in it, they can't get out. So there's a layer of ants across the surface. I find it highly amusing.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

thats funny about ants. :)

my parents gave up on me being girly. thats what avi is for. little girlygirl. :)