Sunday, December 30, 2007

10 blocks, four hours

For Christmas, Morrigan got a set of 10 plastic-ish blocks. They're soft plastic, most like a thin rubber, and very squish-able. She loves them! I got them out today thinking she might look at them because they're all different colors. She ended up grabbing them, throwing them around, chewing on them, rubbing them against the carpet. It's so cool. She's been going off and on for 4 hours, just playing with them.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Donna turned 50 today!

Only in a little town like Millersport will you find a giant birthday card that says:

Donna turns 50 today!
Stop in for some cake, 6pm-8pm!

And random people drop in for cake.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Three women story

Once there where three women: A corperation CEO, a farmer's wife, and a stay-at-home-mom.
A genie, bored with his normal daily routine, decided to pay the three women a visit.
First he visited the CEO. She was dressed up in a pants suit with perfectly manicured nails and perfectly done hair.
"Woman! Because I am bored, I shall grant you one wish, and one wish only!" He thundered.
The CEO thought about it. "I wish my corporation's stocks would skyrocket, giving me lots of money and a more successful job."
"Done!" The genie thundered. The company's stocks soared, the woman became a millionaire overnight, and was promoted.

Next he visited the farmer's wife. She was a bit dirty, with her hair a mess, wearing a simple sunddress and an apron.
Once again, he thundered: "Woman! Because I am bored, I shall grant you one wish, and one wish only!"
The farmer's wife thought about it. She was a simple woman, comfortable in her life and lacking very little. Finally she said, "I wish for a good, easy growing season that will fill our pantry with food and put to rest my husband's fears of us not having enough through the winter."
"Done!" The genie said. The season was good, filling the farmer's pantry and giving them more than enough to last the winter.

Finally he visited the stay-at-home-mom. She was covered in baby spit up and drool, had blue marker all over her white shirt, bubblegum in her hair, and sleepless-night circles under her eyes.
Once again, the genie thundered. "Woman! Because I am bored, I shall grant you one wish, and one wish only."
The woman thought about it. She thought about the sleepless nights, waking up every two hours. She thought how her house was strewn with toys, how the walls were covered in crayon. She thought about how many parties she had missed, how much time she had spent in her home. She thought about the endless diapers, burp rags, and bibs.

"I wish for another baby." She said finally, with a smile.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rest in Peace, Tyra

Tyra died today. We buried her out back by Ein.
After feeling around, I found some of the internal damage. A few ribs were broke near the spine, and they jutted up from her center. She was in pain, very lethargic, and went quickly.

So, rest in peace, beautiful bunny. Be in pain no more.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Poor, poor Tyra

I don't think Tyra will survive the night.

I took Mori out to a yarn shop to find some roving, and left the dogs inside. When I came back, Tyra's cage was on the floor without her in it. The dogs were all crowded behind the futon, which is where I looked first (after throwing them out). At first she wasn't moving and her neck was covered in blood. I thought she was dead, but she was breathing.

I checked over the rest of her body and although she seemed a little limp, she wasn't bleeding anywhere else, so I went ahead and moved her (with an improvised box-lid stretcher) so I could look better.

It *looks* like there's just one big chunk missing out of her neck. Nothing serious (at a glance) because it's not gushing and I can't see anything but the skin wound. I stuck her in the sink and rinsed it off, and it looked okay. I thought she was just a little tramatized. I put her in with Legacy to calm her down, and was hoping that he would clean the wound.

He is helping her. He's cleaning up the wound. But she's not doing good. She's very lethargic, hasn't eaten or drank anything. Her ears are always back, and she sways. Her tail looks 'broken' which makes me think that one of the dogs hit her from behind. I also now think she has some sort of internal damage and internal bleeding.

We'll see how long she lasts, but I would be very surprised if she lasts through the night. She's cuddled up to Legacy and he's cleaning her up, so maybe that will help - keep her warm, fed, and try to keep out infection... but if she's got internal hemorraging, well, there's nothing we can do... I wish I knew. If she's going to die, I could at least make it swift so she wouldn't be in hours of pain.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The bread, the bread!

I have decided to bake bread.
Already I am happier.


That is all.

What is my deal?

So it's another one of 'those days'.
This morning consisted of stuffyness, nausea, dizzyness and Mori being all stuffed up. I've been trying to be productive all day - it just isn't working.
It started by me trying to brush my hair. I realized I haven't brushed it in , uh, days. So I brought Mori into the bathroom with me and started untangling it. Halfway through she starts crying, which ticks me off because I can't even brush my hair without being interrupted by a squalling baby. So I got her and brought her to the livingroom, brush in hand, and let her crawl around while I finished.

And then I decided to clean.
I started on the kitchen, trying to do dishes. I piddled around for ten minutes, stuffed a few glasses in the dishwasher, and went to the livingroom.
I clipped some more of Tyra (god she's matted) and vacuumed a piece of carpet, which the bunnies then used as a litter box and now needs to be vacuumed again. I got the mail, got the electric bill and instantly turned down the heat.
Mori took a ten minute nap and woke up screaming. I put her down and she quieted as I tried to fold the futon back up. Ten minutes later I was still wrestling with it, and she started crying. I fell on my knees and started crying with her.
After twenty minutes of holding her, rocking back and forth and crying, she fell asleep. She's currently asleep in her crib, looking peaceful.

So there's poop on the floor, dishes everywhere, laundry everywhere, fur everywhere.
Trash needs to be burned, packages need to be mailed, dogs/bunnies need to be fed. Laundry needs to be folded. Gunk needs to be cleaned out of the sink. Rabbit bedding needs to be changed.

And all I want to do is go take a hot bath and maybe cry some more.
Ben's probably working overtime again. He didn't wake up until 12:20, had to be there at 1. That leaves me, ohhh, ten minutes of seeing him as he was flying out the door.
He did that yesterday too. And the day before.

I'm starting to feel like a single parent again. And that's not good.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tyra and Legacy

I picked up two new rabbits today, French Angoras (although I learned that Legacy is an English/French Angora cross). The girl I talked to about them was very nice, and said she didn't have time for them because of a 'new' baby. I assumed 'new' meant a month at the most, so I was thinking that she probably took really good care of these rabbits before she had the baby.

BOY was I WRONG. First off, the 'new' baby is five months. Second off, these rabbits are... horrible. Oh, the beauty of their coats is one thing. They both seem to produce very thick, fine wool. But they're half-starved, they haven't been brushed in god-knows-when, they were being fed alfalfa pellets (BIG no-no with Angoras, can cause intestines to block up when mixed with their wool from grooming). They were in the same cage (8mo doe and a 2yr buck) because the previous owners think she's too young to breed (Angoras hit maturity from 4-6mo of age... in fact, they HAVE to be bred before 1yr because their pelvis bones fuse at 1yr.).
So this poor doe might already be bred. I put them in seperate cages just in case, but I felt around earlier and felt what could be kits in her belly.

Meanwhile, her mats are skin-deep. I've been combing for two hours now, and have gotten four freezer bags of wool. There are still millions of mats, and I haven't even started on her rear-end.
The male is so malnurished that he's got bald spots. You can feel their spine, each individual bone. Their ribs are sticking out of their bellies.

I feel so bad for them. And they both have show-blood in them.

Friday, December 14, 2007

How can something so small cause SO MUCH PAIN?

I think I broke two of my toes today.

I was holding Morrigan, getting her ready for bed after her bath. Our dog Tavy came in, and as I was trying to shoo her out (while still holding Mori), she hit the door, which hit my foot, which made my two end toes curl up against the door. Squish!
So, practically crying, I limped around to put Mori to bed, and thankfully she went in her crib with no fuss at all. Now it's taped up, throbbing, and bruised and swollen. Can't get a hold of Ben, so i'm just praying he's working his normal shift tonight.

I'm debating going to the ER... They won't do anything but tape it up, but at least I could make sure they are broken and get a doctor's note for work this weekend, because there is NO WAY i'm mucking stalls/riding horses with two broken toes. I can just see one of those four ton brutes stepping on my toe... NO thank you.

In other news, today was good. Paid a few bills, knitted a bit, ate pizza, accidentally left the rabbit out while letting the dogs in... Chase ensued. Bunbun is fine, dogs are back out, all is well.

Also got the present for Ben's parents that I forgot I ordered. It's neat. :D

I did some homework and got the odd idea in my head that I didn't actually need to study. I could just take the test! So I got online and looked up some practice questions, and realized that yes, I really, really, do need to study. Out of 50 practice questions, I got 2 right. Sooo. Yes, I think I shall study. I did find this awesome study practice-question book that I want, though. It's $40. Maybe a birthday gift.

I started the second panel of the tree skirt (even though the first one still isn't done) and it needs to be worked on, so I believe I shall put on Cinderella and knit.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

I let my child cry tonight, and I hate myself for it.

Let me start by saying I am NOT a fan of "Crying it out" (CIO), where a parent lets a child cry until they fall asleep. I don't see the need for it, I believe that it breaks a trust of Child-cry-Parent-respond, and I think it's heart-breaking. I do, however, respect other people's opinions, and try not to judge them by how they get their child to sleep every night.

Tonight I made a mistake. It's been a busy day and I figured Mori would crash and sleep for a good four hours, like she normally does. So she went to bed without a problem. I started drinking. We have some wine, Mike's Lemonaide, and some beer in the fridge... I overdid it a bit.
She woke up an hour after I had started drinking. By then I had downed a few, enough to be giggly and half-asleep and in that dream-like buzzed state.

I heard her cry. In the back of my mind, I thought "I should go get her.". But I swear, my body wouldn't move. I was comfortable, I was happy, I was buzzed. Somewhere, I got the idea that she needed to learn to go to sleep on her own, and I shouldn't nurse her back to sleep. Soo.. I didn't.

God, she cried for what seemed like forever. And after about ten minutes, I cried with her, but for some reason I still didn't get her. I didn't go get her.
I'm still crying, and it's been a while. I can't believe I just let her cry herself to sleep! That's just not my way. I hate hearing her cry. I hate not being there for her. And I remember when she was finally calming down, hearing her horrible, sleepy sobs.

I feel like such a bad mother, and such a hypocrite. And it had been such a fun day. Why didn't I just go get it? I didn't HAVE to nurse her.. I could have just held her, cuddled her, let her know she wasn't alone in the dark bedroom, and that I was there.

I don't deserve my child.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mobility in Strides

I am convinced Mori will be mobile before next week. She's doing that 'scoot' thing, and getting up on her knees. When she finally gets it, OH, the flurry of baby-proofing... Luckily, we have all the outlets plugged and nothing on the bottom shelves that aren't baby-OK.

It's only 7:30AM, and already Tavy has: Broken an ornament, howled at a passing siren, stolen some of my cereal, stepped on Mori's hand, chewed one of Mori's stuffed animals.
Why the hell do I love dogs? This is why Ben keeps telling me "No more dogs!"

Speaking of Ben, he thinks he has an ear infection. I told him pop some vitamins and amoxacillin and he'll be fine. He's sleeping it off, so I think i'm going to let him sleep all day if he wants to. Poor guy's been working 2-4 hours of overtime every night. I think he deserves a break (no matter how much I want to go wake him up),

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hear ye, hear ye! Ket's first post!

So, I have decided I need an Adult Blog (tm). I have a couple from high school/etc, but nothing adult, nothing since the Army and family and kid and blahblahblah.
Not to mention the knitting. So! Welcome to my adult blog.

Sunday we had Ben's 'family' Christmas, at his grandmother's house. A three hour drive, but really it wasn't bad. Mori slept for part of the time and talked to herself for the other half. (By the way, she knows "Gaahhhh", "Bahhhh", and "EEEEEEEEE!" now.). However by the time we got there, Mori was well past "Tired" and into "Whiney".

I felt so bad because as soon as Great-Grandma Doran held her, she started wailing. She wouldn't let anyone hold her except me and Ben. I don't think she remembers any of them, and I think she's a bit people-shy now. She also started screaming when a lady at Joann's started talking to her. So this week i'm hoping to get some of the ColAPVil girls who live close together and maybe we can socialize her a bit.

Presents at the early christmas included a couple of aluminum needles, some of the cool colored plastic 10-13-15 needles, a needle holder, a couple of stuffed animals for Mori which included a neat, soft puppy that I want to steal and cuddle up with at night, and some clothes for her which she might actually wear. :) Ben and I also got another Applebee's gift card, so that makes $50 total. One night we're going to be eating in style! Maybe I can even arrange a sitter for Mori and we can make a date night for it.

Ben also got some of "his type" of books... you know, the technical ones. How to power a city using string and a glass jar... those type of books. Anyway, he seems happy enough with them.

One of my best friends, Rachel, is due to go into labor any day now. Her EDD is the 20th, but it's her second one, so she could be early. :) I'm excited, she's trying a home birth, after her and I ganged up on her husband to convince him. Best wishes to her, hope things go well and I can't wait to see the little miracle baby Ryan!

My current project in knitting is this: Tree Skirt
It's fairly simple: 7 panels sewed together into a circle. It's only got knitting and purling, with a couple of cable stitch. My first cable stitch practice! Easy enough, if I do say so myself. Although I had to go out and get longer needles, as the 11's I had were 10-inch and, uh, yeah. It didn't fit.
So i'm about half done with one panel.
And now I'm off to knit.
