Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mobility in Strides

I am convinced Mori will be mobile before next week. She's doing that 'scoot' thing, and getting up on her knees. When she finally gets it, OH, the flurry of baby-proofing... Luckily, we have all the outlets plugged and nothing on the bottom shelves that aren't baby-OK.

It's only 7:30AM, and already Tavy has: Broken an ornament, howled at a passing siren, stolen some of my cereal, stepped on Mori's hand, chewed one of Mori's stuffed animals.
Why the hell do I love dogs? This is why Ben keeps telling me "No more dogs!"

Speaking of Ben, he thinks he has an ear infection. I told him pop some vitamins and amoxacillin and he'll be fine. He's sleeping it off, so I think i'm going to let him sleep all day if he wants to. Poor guy's been working 2-4 hours of overtime every night. I think he deserves a break (no matter how much I want to go wake him up),

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