Friday, December 14, 2007

How can something so small cause SO MUCH PAIN?

I think I broke two of my toes today.

I was holding Morrigan, getting her ready for bed after her bath. Our dog Tavy came in, and as I was trying to shoo her out (while still holding Mori), she hit the door, which hit my foot, which made my two end toes curl up against the door. Squish!
So, practically crying, I limped around to put Mori to bed, and thankfully she went in her crib with no fuss at all. Now it's taped up, throbbing, and bruised and swollen. Can't get a hold of Ben, so i'm just praying he's working his normal shift tonight.

I'm debating going to the ER... They won't do anything but tape it up, but at least I could make sure they are broken and get a doctor's note for work this weekend, because there is NO WAY i'm mucking stalls/riding horses with two broken toes. I can just see one of those four ton brutes stepping on my toe... NO thank you.

In other news, today was good. Paid a few bills, knitted a bit, ate pizza, accidentally left the rabbit out while letting the dogs in... Chase ensued. Bunbun is fine, dogs are back out, all is well.

Also got the present for Ben's parents that I forgot I ordered. It's neat. :D

I did some homework and got the odd idea in my head that I didn't actually need to study. I could just take the test! So I got online and looked up some practice questions, and realized that yes, I really, really, do need to study. Out of 50 practice questions, I got 2 right. Sooo. Yes, I think I shall study. I did find this awesome study practice-question book that I want, though. It's $40. Maybe a birthday gift.

I started the second panel of the tree skirt (even though the first one still isn't done) and it needs to be worked on, so I believe I shall put on Cinderella and knit.


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