Saturday, June 14, 2008

16 Days 'til Schooooooolllll

I'm so. freaking. excited.

School starts the 30th, which is in 16 days. The day after school starts, we have our first midwife appointment. The next week or so after that, we'll have our first ultrasound.

But mostly I'm excited about school. Loan money should be coming in within the next week or so, in which case I will quickly flee to the book store on campus and load up on everything from binders to a $150 calculator. And then, for two blessed days a week, I will be 'stuck' at school. All day. 10am to 8pm. And, (forgive me if this is a horrible thing to say) Mori won't be with me. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter to pieces, but I literally can't remember the last time I have gone anywhere without her. Even for just an hour.

And then there's the whole career thing. Obviously I'm excited to be finally on track. Within two years, (maybe 2 1/2, due to baby #2) I should be graduated. I can pick up a part-time job as a tech. And also hopefully go to OSU for a zoology Bachelor's. And then? Once the kids are in school? Hello, grad school!

Also, I will be 12 weeks pregnant next week, which gives me one week for my hormones to settle before school. Hopefully the nausea, food aversion, etc etc will fade away after the first trimester.... if I remember right, it did with Mori.

Speaking of pregnancy, I've noticed a few things different about it this time around. A few things are the same, like not wanting to be near milk or eggs, but there's a few subtle differences too. Like, this time around, I'm not puking as much, however, I have more cravings and food aversions. Last time I would eat anything, but I'd have to puke it back up.

Also this time I'm remarkably horny and gassy... not a good combination. And why do we shorten 'combination' to 'combo'? It's not combOnation. Curious.

The past few days I've also been feeling more energetic and 'up'. For two or three weeks there, it was hell... I didn't do *anything*. Now, I'm back to my old half-assed cleaning routines and such. Yesterday I even vacuumed! And this past few days I've been working on cleaning out our linen closet and bagging up half of our 10,000 sheets and blankets for charity. Next, I think I'll tackle the kitchen... I'm already decluttering our clothes as they go through the wash. Mori's toys need to be gone through, but most of them are okay. We've got a million books that we never read but I absolutely hate getting rid of books, so we need to find a new storage system... right now the bookcases look like props from a B-rated horror flick... You know, reaching towards you with clawed books, saying "Come! Come read me!"

The chicken house is almost done. All the framing and the roof are done, but we need to stick the tin up on the sides and add in the nest boxes. We put in the order for the chicks... in a few weeks, we'll have 50 baby chicks delivered right to our door! How... weird.

I also want to get into beekeeping. Ben does too. I'm thinking for his birthday (October) I might get "him" a starter hive... and then get some bees for it next spring. Of course, it wouldn't be for "him", it would be for "us", but lets not split hairs. XD

The chickens ate my grapes, which really need to be planted. It looks like the stupid bunbun got to my strawberries because there is one plant that looks nibbled at, and it's dying. Cody dug a bunch of holes in our corn field, and the tomato plants are brown. Obviously we need to plan this whole garden thing better. XD


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