Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dear Kids in Class...

Dear Teenagers,
I understand you think your cell phone use is taking over your life. I understand that you think texting is a life-or-death activity. I understand that your phone has two hundred neat ring tones and sounds and doohickeys that go 'ping!'.

However, you're in college now. The teacher kindly asked you twice to put your phones away for the class period. Note that she didn't say "put your phones on their lowest setting/vibrate". No, she said put them AWAY. She says this at the beginning of each class period, so please don't tell me you forgot.

If you decide to blatantly ignore this rule, please remember the teacher can see you... and hear you. So can the other students. You phone may be on vibrate, but it still goes "BZZZ! BZZZ!", which is not only distracting and annoying, but extremely obvious. Please don't hunch over, hiding your phone in your lap. It's obvious, dude. Seriously. How many other kids do you see staring at their crotch with their hands in their lap?

Please don't text during class. I understand it's an OMG-IMPORTANT-MSG! but it can wait. Really, it can, I promise. The clickky sound that the buttons make as you push them distract me enough as it is... when you've got ten kids in one classroom doing it, it makes me want to scream. And, yes, kids. Texting is USING YOUR PHONE.

Not only is this distracting to me, but it's extremely rude to the teacher. Extremely. Rude. You don't want to be rude to the lady who will be determining if your GPA remains 4.0 or drops to a 3.4.

So put away the f*cking cell phones before I put them away for you.



Rant over.
Hi guys!
So yesterday Ben got two more large loads of wood. (Say that ten times fast.) He was talking about putting it in the barn because he thought it would get wet. Jokingly-but-serious, I told him not to worry about it, because we haven't had rain in a long time and would probably go on not having rain for a while.

So what happens? I wake up this morning and it's raining. #*$&*#.

I really don't want to go to school today. Or rather, I really don't want to leave the house today. It's icky! And cold! And in here, it's nice and warm because we fired up the stove again last night. I'm in one of those moods where I want to take my blankie (yes, I have a blankie) to school with me and rub it against my cheek like Mori does. Do you think they would notice?

At least it's a short day. Only three classes. I hope it's not raining when I start home. I'll park in the garage today to keep from getting soaked.

Now, off to find something for breakfast and ignore the McD's temptation.

1 comment:

Rachel said...


ben brought home a large load of wood?

sexy. ;D