Saturday, August 23, 2008

Days Go By, Unfortunately Too Fast...

I've been getting my days mixed up. Yesterday I ran outside as the mailperson was driving away because I thought it was Saturday and didn't want to go to the post office. She looked at me like I was crazy and asked if they were super important. When I said "Not really, I just wanted them to go out before Monday." and she looked at me like I was crazy.

I woke up this morning believing today was Sunday. I just looked at our calander and I'm a day early. Blaergh.

It's hard to believe Mori is 13 months old. I mean, in all seriousness, where did time go? And now i'm halfway through with this pregnancy, too... I can remember being halfway through with Mori and thinking it took forever! I guess things go by faster since life is so hectic. Good-hectic, not bad-hectic.

I have to put a note here that my Bio100 teacher is awesome. We had a quiz and one of the questions stumped me... I knew the answer but had no idea the word for it. So I put some mumble-jumbo down and tried to explain WHAT it was instead of what it was CALLED and he gave me full points. I really enjoy that class... it's a shame that it's ending.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

yeah time is flying now for me too. this week disappeared! after all day with you sunday, i had friends stay with us mon-wednesday, britt had a gathering of friends tues night, and other people came over every night ON TOP of the people that were staying at our place. :p geez louise. last night indigo stayed here and now it's SATURDAY! whee. hey the bio teacher sounds awesome! :D