Monday, November 17, 2008

Boring classes and wasting time

This class is a joke.

I'm in a computer lab, supposedly to look up Chemistry topics. The programs we have to choose from are literally in DOS and from 1998. We have another hour in here before he'll let us go. It's... idiotic.

I'm so bored. It's hot in here. The baby keeps kicking and I keep contracting. After this, only Dose & Calc and then I can go home... but meanwhile, this sucks major monkey balls.
I also haven't meal planned yet. I'll probably try to throw one together tonight after I get home and see what's in the pantry left over. We have a couple of pounds of ground beef and I want to make some chicken white chili. But other than that, we'll just have to see.

Ben's not online, either, and he should be... I'm bored. Actually, nobody's online really.

Stupid ass chem teacher. :(

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