Thursday, November 13, 2008

"And nothing goes up there!"

Last night was a bit stressful.

All throughout the day, I had been 'leaking' a clear, odorless fluid. Not a lot, but enough that I had to change underwear. I called Kathy, thinking it was nothing, and she called back (sounding a bit worried) and asked us to come visit to get it checked out.

Apparently her first thoughts were that my water had broken or had a 'tear' in the bag. She said if that was the case, we'd be in the hospital on steroids and antibiotics for as long as possible and on complete bedrest. Understandably, this idea scared the crap out of me and Ben.

We went over there and she did a few little tests. One was negative, the other could have gone either way. She sent us home with four more herbal supplements and three big rules:

1. Nothing goes up there (with a Look at Ben).
2. Call her if anything changes
3. Rest! Take it easy.

So now I'm on a sorta-not-really-bedrest situation. I think I'm going to drop my speech class because A, It's stressful as hell, B, it's early in the morning, and C, it's stressful as hell.

Here's hoping baby doesn't come early. :( If it's just extra mucuous, that's great. Just anything but a broken water. In a couple of days, Kathy is going to test me again. Meanwhile, we're in limbo. :(


ParamourANGEL said...

Ek! I am sorry that things are so stressful! I can only imagine what you are going through. (Long distance hugs!) I will be praying that everything is ok and, you wont need bed rest or anything more serious. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. In the mean time, TAKE IT EASY! :-)

Rachel said...

i hope the next test turns out OK and you guys can relax!