Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cookies, Johnny Depp, and lets not forget pink stains on the carpet

Mori decided today to spit out some of her medicine on the carpet, leaving a nice, un-removable pink stain. She thought it was great fun. I, on the other hand, (after scrubbing with cleaner for an hour) decided it was not so much fun. After much fuss she finally took the rest of it.

Currently she's sleeping, although for how long is anybody's guess. I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and drooling over Johnny Depp. And Orlando Bloom, to a degree, although he's not as good as Johnny.

I also baked cookies. However, it was from dough that had been frozen from earlier batches, and while they were good, they were not as good as fresh cookies.

Taking the stage from Ashley, i'd like to take a moment to say how wonderful my life is. I have food in my pantry, a wonderful providing loving husband, a wonderous child of my own. We've got a couple of bucks in the bank and things are getting paid off... all and all I have nothing to complain about.

And to leave, with a quote from PoTC:
Johnny: "This girl. How far are you willing to go for her?"
Orlando: "I'd die for her!"
Johnny: "Oh, good! No worries then."

1 comment:

Rachel said...

my favorite quote from that movie, cause it reminds me of indigo and makes me laugh: "why is the rum gone!?" i was at walmart at midnight buying the black pearl (oops i spelled it "purl" the first time) when it came out! it came out on my birthday when i turned 19. :) oh and men in eyeliner...::melts::