Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lime/Violet, baby gurgles, and blood

At the moment i'm listening to Lime and Violet, which is (for you non-knitter-types) a podcast about knitting and other random things. I have to say, this is one of their best episodes yet. I'm also working on Ashley's other mitt, which is half done. :D Soon, she will have a pair!

Mori is in her crib, and i'm listening through the baby monitor... and she's just talking to herself. Not crying. It sounds like she's got a toy in her crib that she's talking to. I'd go get her, but if she's happy, let her be happy. Maybe she'll take a nap. Probably not.

The blood part is that I stabbed myself with an overly sharp pencil. And yes, it bled. What a pain.

We get our tax refund this week. Mother dearest is coming Saturday, and i'm hoping that we'll do okay since we're only together two days.

Today, Mori made artwork for the first time. We sat on the floor with a big piece of posterboard and some markers, and after watching me for a few minutes, she got the idea of it. Of course, she tried to use the wrong end more often than not, but that's alright. :D I'm going to try again tomorrow with her, and maybe give that one to mom.

Anyway, more soon. Tata!

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